Monday, November 18, 2013
13 TERRIBLE Final Girls!!!
You know when your watching a Slasher flick, and the main protagonist is so dumb and annoying, you actually want them to die. Well this boils and ghouls, is the absolute worst of the worst. A little while back, I wrote a segment on the Final Girls who are so kick ass, they have earned title of a Scream Queen. To give these ladies that title would give the viewer a false representation of what a true Scream Queen is. Without further ado, I present the 13 worst Final Girls in Horror cinema.
13. Rooney Mara (Nancy Holbrook) - A Nightmare on Elm Street (Remake)
Believe it or not, this is the same chick from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Obviously she has talent, but not in this movie. She's bland and boring. She doesn't display much emotion and I think I saw her fight back maybe once. It's a real shame that they didn't use Rooney's co-star, Katie Cassidy to play Nancy. She was the real talent in this movie.
12. Amanda Righetti (Whitney Miller) - Friday the 13th (Remake)
First off, I absolutely love this movie. It's graphic and violent and doesn't stray from the source material from the original movies. None the less, the leading lady sucked. She gets captured at the beginning of the movie, and doesn't get rescued by her brother until the last 20 minutes. Yeah she defeats Jason, kind of, but only to ruin the moment by saying one of the most over the top lines I have ever heard in this franchise, "Say hello to mommy, in hell!" Again, just like in A Nightmare on Elm Street, Amanda's co-star played by Danielle Panabaker (See Top 13 Scream Queens) should have easily been The Final Girl in this movie.
11. Jennifer Carpenter (Angela Vidal) - Quarantine
This movie is scary as hell. Absolutely frighting images of zombies and great camera work. But Jennifer was more like a damsel in distress character, than a Final Girl. Annoying breathing and crying....that was her performance...
10. Alexandra Daddario ( Heather Miller) - Texas Chainsaw 3D
Alexandra was a big miscast. She should have been playing the slutty friend instead of the lead. Looking like she just got off the set of an adult film, and her acting to prove it, Alexandra's character made some of the dumbest and I mean DUMBEST decisions. I feel like I can't give away the ending, but she delivers the absolute worst line in Horror cinema: "Do your thing cuz!"
9. Bianca Kajlich (Sara Moyer) - Halloween: Resurrection
Yes, Halloween: Resurrection had plenty of flaws, but Bianca is without a doubt, the wort actress the Halloween franchise has ever had. Her screaming is comical, her acting horrid, and she gets rescued by Busta Rhymes. Yes, Busta Rhymes. At least we were able to see Jamie Lee Curtis one last time...That kind of made up for this....didn't it....
8. Alicia Witt (Natalie Simon) - Urban Legend
Wait, there was a Final Girl in this movie? Yes, Alicia Witt is plain, boring, and non-memorable. She would have been just fine if she was the friend of the Final Girl....who would have gotten killed in the second act.
7. Marilyn Burns (Sally Hardesty) - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
People might say how absolutely terrifying this movie is, and the're right. This movie gave birth to one of the most sadistic Slashers of all time, Leatherface. But the problem with this movie is our "heroine". She can run, i'll give her that much, but she screams, she screams, and then she screams some more. That's all she freaking does in this movie is scream. Her screaming is so annoying, you just want her to be killed off so you don't have to hear it anymore.
6. Brittany Snow (Donna Keppel) - Prom Night
Prom Night is a prime example of why Slasher movies should never be PG-13. Bloodless, not scary, and whiny crying teens. Brittany's performance is so forgettable. I think I remember her crying...Oh wait, I remember, she cried, and then she cried some more, and then it ended. Piece of rubbish film.
5. Bobbi Sue Luther (The Girl) - Laid to Rest
This is what happens when a director puts his talent less wife in a movie... You get Laid to Rest. Yeah, the gore and special effects are quite good in this Slasher, but it can't save it from the god awful acting of Bobbi Sue Luther. There is really nothing more to say here other than the fact that it was a complete waste of the special effects guys time.
4. Elizabeth Berridge (Amy Harper) - The Funhouse
I have a special place in my heart for this movie, because it was the first Slasher flick I had ever seen as a little kid. After re-watching it recently, I had never seen someone so undeserving of The Final Girl role of 80's Slashers. She literally does noting to defeat the killer; just cries and screams in the corner. The killer basically kills himself accidentally. Lame. Good scares, horrible lead.
3. Shelly Duval (Wendy Torrance) - The Shining
A whiny and completely worthless character. It's to bad that The Shining is the most mainstream Horror movie on this list. Completely portrays a Horror heroine falsely to the mainstream public. Sad face.
2. Monica Keena (Lori Campbell) - Freddy vs Jason
This is a movie where you are saying "Can everyone please just die." Absolutely terrible stereotypical high school characters. But Monica Keena's the worst. Her whininess, overacting, and when she screams "Welcome to my world bitch!" you literally bust out laughing. This is a movie where you could't give a crap about any of the characters, cause let's face it, you're here to watch Freddy and Jason pit it out.
1. Jennifer Love Hewitt (Julie James) - I Know What You Did Last Summer
The whinest and worst of them all, Jennifer Love Hewitt is the WORST Final Girl in movie history. A completely weak and uninteresting character, it has you scratching your head why? There is absolutely nothing going on with her. Completely useless, you start questioning why you started watching Horror movies in the first place. Don't worry though, if you want to laugh, just wait until she screams "What are you waiting for huh!?" She will have you rolling on the floor with laughter in no time.
-Johnny Fright
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Halloween Party Playlist!
Are you wanting to DJ that killer Halloween party this year? Or maybe you want to listen to some good spooky music to get you in the right mood for the Halloween season? What ever the case might be, here are 10 of my favorite tracks for the 2013 Halloween season. These Halloween songs are sure to wake the dead.
Ghost Town - "You're So Creepy"
A relatively new artist, Ghost Town's "You're So Creepy" blends electronic dance music with spooky pop lyrics. A dance anthem that will sure to get your monster bash moving.
Stellar Corpses - "Vampire Kiss"
A song about the 80's vampire classic, "The Lost Boys", you cannot go wrong with this song. A Psychobilly tune with a rock n roll dance vibe.
Figure - Beetlejuice
This great Dubstep adaption of the Beetlejuice theme will have you chanting his name 3 times. Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice!!!
The Groovie Ghoulies - The Time Warp
A Punk Rock remake of The Time Warp. With an updated version, your guest won't feel shy about doing the the pelvic thrust. "Let's do the Time Warp again!"
Michael Jackson - Thriller
An absolute classic, no Halloween party would be complete without The Thriller. Having Vincent Price cameo in the song only heightens the chill factor.
Misfits - Dig Up Her Bones
Horror Punk at its best, "Dig Up Her Bones" is the perfect song for every Halloween party. Catchy sing along lyrics and its melodic yet still punk vibe is great.
Cold Blue Rebels - Zombie Love
A Psychobilly song with a Doo-wop vibe. If your wanting to get close to your zombie sweetheart, this is the perfect song to dance to.
Marilyn Manson - This is Halloween
Manson's take on the Tim Burton classic is absolutely genius. Creepy and eerie sounding, this track is an absolute must for anyone who grew up in the 90's.
Misfits - Monster Mash
A classic song that we have all grown to love, with a Horror Punk twist. The Misfits does the song justice. Your guest are going to want to do the Monster Mash all night long.
deadmau5 - Ghosts N Stuff
An electronic pop song with a great creepy vibe. A dance anthem your guest will sure to love.
-Johnny Fright
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Top 13 Scream Queens
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Scream Queen Scout Taylor-Compton |
The main female protagonist must possess two certain characteristics in order to be given the title of a Scream Queen. A Scream Queen is strong. She will typically have a transformation from a "the girl next door" to one bad ass chick. During the process she will have felt fear, pain, and loss. Typically by the end of the film she will have defeated or escaped from the killer. The second trait is what truly separates Scream Queen heroins from their dead counterparts. While running, screaming, and hacking up the killer to shreds, she must always look sexy. Looking sexy while kicking some major butt isn't easy to do, but the Scream Queen makes it look ever so glamorous. So, here is my Top 13 Scream Queens of Horror all of whom are well deserving of their titles.
13. Sheri Moon Zombie
The wife of legendary Metal rocker and Horror director Rob Zombie, Sheri Moon has made quite the name for herself in the Horror community by starring in all of Rob's films. Just recently starring in her first lead role in "The Lords of Salem" Sheri Moon proves herself worthy of Scream Queen status.
Notable Roles: House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, Halloween, The Lords of Salem
12. Danielle Panabaker
One of the most underrated actresses of modern cinema, there is no denying that Danielle Panabaker has some major talent. I'm anxiously awaiting for her breakout role as Horror's newest Final Girl. This girl is the future of Horror.
Notable Roles: Friday the 13th, The Crazies, The Ward, Girls Against Boys, Piranha 3DD
11. Kate Beckinsale
It's great to see an A list actress still branch off into Horror films even after stardom. Whether it's hunting down Lycans in shiny latex with guns blazing, or avoid being the next victim to a snuff film, we can count on Kate to hold a special place in her heart for Horror.
Notable Roles: Underworld series, Vacancy
10. Mary Elizabeth Winstead
A genre favorite with fans, Mary Elizabeth keeps dishing out some great scare flicks. About every other year we wait for Winstead to scream her way into some big hollywood blockbusters, and they never disappoint.
Notable Roles: Final Destination 3, Death Proof, Black Christmas, The Thing, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
9. Milla Jovovich
Possibly every fan boys dream girl, Milla Jovovich has quite the resume. Being the leading lady of kick butt in the Resident Evil franchise, she has killed the undead in just about every way. Jovovich, being another A list actress on the list has branched off into the Thriller ans Sci-Fi genres as well.
Notable Roles: Resident Evil series, A Perfect Getaway, Faces in the Crowd
8. Shauna Macdonald
Being trapped in a cave? Check. Being chased by subterranean flesh-eating humanoids? You got it. Major props goes to Shauna Macdonald for surviving what I consider one of the scariest Horror movies of all time. Being extremely claustrophobic myself, I could only imagine how Shauna felt....all while being chased by humanoids.
Notable Roles: The Descent, The Descent: Part 2
7. Neve Campbell
Perhaps the most recognizable Scream Queen from my youth, Neve Campbell earns her keep as the lead in the Scream franchise. Mother killed, losing her virginity to a psycho, and almost stabbed to death from her own cousin, its easy to sympathize for poor ole' Neve. But she has always remained a strong character, always staying one step ahead of the Ghostface killer.
Notable Roles: Scream series
6. Ashley Laurence
Defeating demons known as Cenobites who subject their victims to extreme forms of sadomasochism is no walk in the park. Ashley Laurence gives one of the best Final Girl portrayals in 80's Horror cinema. She is a likable character the moment she is on screen. Her acting is so compelling, it's a shame she wasn't in many other Horror films outside of the Hellraiser movies. Ashley Laurence is easily one of the best heroins to come out of the 80's.
Notable Roles: Hellraiser series
Jaime King was the first Scream Queen I ever saw on the big screen. Running from miners who throw pick axes at you in 3D was a great way for me to get a taste of the talented Miss King. Jaime King has had a tendency to get cast as the motherly care giver who will surprise you in Act II of how tough and resourceful she is.
Notable Roles: My Bloody Valentine 3D, Mother's Day, Silent Night
4. Briana Evigan
Starting out her career in dancing, being the lead in the second "Step Up" movie, Briana found her niche in being one of today's profound Scream Queens. Briana seems to be the all around actress. She can sing in a Horror movie (The Devil's Carnival), be a sassy punk chick, and a hot sorority girl who will still kick butt. Briana, keep the good scare flicks comin.
Notable Roles: Sorority Row, Burning Bright, Mother's Day, The Devil's Carnival
3. Sharni Vinson
Having just watched her on screen for the first time this year in "You're Next", you might be surprised that she is on the number 3 spot. Her performance in "You're Next" absolutely blew me out of my seat. She was a likable character, felt pain, but most of all she was kick ass. I have never seen a character take charge and take down the baddies like she did. I look forward to seeing her in more Horror roles.
2. Scout Taylor-Compton
Scout is your girl next door. She's cute, sassy, and you know, she'll blow Michael Myers head off. Scout's acting range is quite talented. Every film I have seen her in, her acting has remained solid and consistent. Her performance in Rob Zombie's Halloween was undeniably bone rattling. She is without a doubt, my favorite "Final Girl" from the Halloween franchise.
Notable Roles: Halloween, Halloween II, 247°F
1. Danielle Harris
We were first introduced to Danielle when she was only 10 years old in "Halloween 4" back in 1988. With her role reprising in "Halloween 5", audience members knew that this girl had potential for the future of Horror. The Horror genre has consumed just about every aspect of Harris's career. Being featured in many Slasher classics, to going to annual Horror conventions. Now at the age of 36, she just directed her first Horror movie, "Among Friends". Danielle Harris is Horror's reining Scream Queen and she will always keep us screaming for more.
Notable Roles: Halloween 4, Halloween 5, Halloween, Halloween II, Hatchet II, Hatchet III, Stake Land, Among Friends
-Johnny Fright
Saturday, August 24, 2013
"You're Next" Movie Review
The plot centers around a family reuniting for a weekend getaway in a cabin in the woods style house. The get-together is cut short when arrows start flying through the windows in an attempt to kill the family one by one. This is the start of a terrifying siege of men wearing animal masks.
This film is a Slasher fans dream come true. It has frighting killers, great plot twists, "Home Alone" style booby traps, but most of all, it has one kick ass Scream Queen. This film was clearly written to make the Scream Queen as tough as possible. Watching her set up booby traps and fight the killers was the most satisfying feeling to any Horror fan. This film knows exactly what it is and knows how to please the audience.
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My new favorite Scream Queen |
"Your Next" has revitalized the Slasher genre. With so many Haunted House and Possession films flooding the theaters, it is refreshing to see a Slasher flick make such a positive lasting impression. "You're Next" is the ultimate Slasher movie. Drawing in influences from "Clue", "Home Alone", and "Friday the 13th", "You're Next" will be re-watched for generations to come. A perfect 5 out of 5 Machetes
-Johnny Fright
Monday, August 5, 2013
Warped! It's Like Church for Hardcore Kids
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My Crew ready for Hardcore Brootality |
I attended the show with my girlfriend Taylor and my best bud Lucas. We kicked off the day strong by seeing Metalcore band, Woe Is Me. I got in the pits and Hardcore Danced. I got my first injury of the day by getting elbowed in the face and stared bleeding from the mouth. This didn't stop me by any means.
The Next band we saw was Metalcore band, We Came A Romans. This was Lucas's and Taylor's favorite band of the tour. Lucas got in the pit and absolutely tour it up! He conducted a Wall of Death and Moshed during every song. Taylor got her injury of the day by having a crowd surfer land on her head hard.
The next band I was all revved up for... Another Metalcore act named Memphis May Fire. I participated in the circle pits, crowd surfed and sang along. It was great!
We then went directly to see a Japanese Dubstep/Metalcore band called Crossfaith. This was no doubt one of the bands that surprised us the most. They didn't have the largest crowd, but it's where I had the most fun in the pit. There was lots of room for people to Hardcore Dance. As well as throwing down, I Crowd Surfed and gave the vocalist a high five. Lucas later met the band after their set.
Me Hardcore Dancing during Crossfaith
The last band we saw was a Deathcore band called Upon A Burning Body. I was super stoked to see this band because I knew all their lyrics and was ready to be in the front screaming along. My crew, by my side, held their own by having crowd surfers fall on top of them as well as pits breaking out left and right. I of course was in the front shouting along to every song.
This was no doubt one of the best Vans Warped Tours I have ever attended. Friends, pits, and the Hardcore community. Nothing could be more enjoyable to me. I am already looking forward to the next show, and for my pals to be right next to my side Moshing and singing along with me.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
"The Conjuring" Movie Review
A Supernatural Horror film directed by James Wan (who also directed Saw and Insidious). You can not deny the tension and paranoia this film has to offer. From start to finish you will be on the edge of your seat. That's not to say that there is some originality here because there certainty isn't. But what "The Conjuring" does have to offer is the best "scares" of other paranormal films combined to make one scary ghost movie. One particular standout chill factor is James Wan's signature creepy doll. This doll is so creepy looking, its on par with the dolls from "Saw" and "Dead Silence". Is there a slow buildup at first? Yes definitely, but it helps build up the suspense and will make you feel nervous. I only have two minor gripes about this film. One, this film is rated R. There is no need for an R Rating here. Scary? Yes, but there is no graphic blood, language, or nudity here. Also, the film sort of ends abruptly, and your like "alright... well that was still a scary movie." The official score with my new rating system, "The Conjuring" gets 4 out of 5 machetes
Introduction to the Fright
Hello boils and ghouls!
My name is Johnny Fright. This is my very first blog. I want to share with you all my biggest passions in life; Horror and Hardcore. I'm going to use this blog to share my Horror and Action movie reviews as well as band and album reviews. This blog will also be used to share what ever might be on my mind. One day you might find a video of me stage diving at a Hardcore show and the next day you might view a movie review. I'm excited to start this and to share with all of you Horror Fiends out there!
-Johnny Fright
My name is Johnny Fright. This is my very first blog. I want to share with you all my biggest passions in life; Horror and Hardcore. I'm going to use this blog to share my Horror and Action movie reviews as well as band and album reviews. This blog will also be used to share what ever might be on my mind. One day you might find a video of me stage diving at a Hardcore show and the next day you might view a movie review. I'm excited to start this and to share with all of you Horror Fiends out there!
-Johnny Fright
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